
The Pursuit Of Happiness Screenplay Pdf

1 Jan 2000admin
The Pursuit Of Happiness Screenplay Pdf Rating: 3,8/5 3760 votes

In Pursuit Of Happiness. Four university friends meet up after years apart at the funeral of fifth. After re-exploring the free joy and humour that previously bound them so closely, they begin to realise that the dynamic of the group isn't quite.

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-FILM:”The Pursuit of happyness”

-Director: Gabriele Muccino.

-Writer: Steve Conrad.

-Characteres: WillSmith, ThandieNewton and Jaden Smith.

Summary: A salesman tries to take custody of his son

·SECUENCE: min41:10-43:52

·ORIGINAL SUMMARY SECUENCE: ChrisGardner is looking for a job to feed his family. Because for this he goes tothe job interview. For this interview Chris Gardner is a bit dirty and trytowin over the boss with wit and humor.


-Woman: Chris Gardner

-Chris Gardner: Chris Gardner. How are you? Good morning.

Chris Gardner.

Chris Gardner. Good to see you again.

Chris Gardner. Pleasure.

I´ve been sitting there for the last half-hour trying to come up with astory that would explain my being here dressed like this.

And I wanted to come up with a story that would demonstrate qualitiesthat I´m sure you all admire here, like earnestness (seriedad) or diligence.Team-playing,something.And I couldn´t think of anything.

So the truth is…I was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets.

-Jay: Parking tickets?

-Chris Gardner: And I ran all the way here from the Polk Station, thepolice station.

-Boss: What were you doing before you were arrested?

- Chris Gardner: I was painting my apartament.

-Boss: Is it dry now?.

- Chris Gardner: I hope so.

-Boss: Jay says you´re pretty determined.

-Jay: He´s been waiting outside the front of the building with some 20kilos jigger for over a month.

-Boss: He said you´re clever.

- Chris Gardner: Well, I like to think so.

-Boss: And you want to learn this business?.

- Chris Gardner: Yes, sir, I wanna learn.

-Boss: Have you already started learning on your own?.

- Chris Gardner:Absolutely.

-Boss: Jay?

-Jay: Yes,sir?

-Boss: How many times have you seen Chris?

-Jay: I don´t know. One too many, apparently.

- Boss: Was he ever dressed like this?

-Jay: No. Jacket and tie.

-Boss: First in you class in high school?

- Chris Gardner: Yes, sir.

-Boss: How many in the class?

- Chris Gardner: Twelve. It was a small town.

-Boss: I´ll say.

- Chris Gardner: But I was also first in my radar class in the Navy, andthat was a class of twenty.

Can I say something? I´m the type of person if you ask me a question,and I don´t know the answer, I´m gonna tell you that I don´t know. But I betyou what. I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer.

Is that fair enough?

-Boss: Chris. What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview,without a shirt on, and I hired him? What would you say?

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- Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.



ADAPTATION: Thisadaptationhas been chosenbecause we thinkit's importanttoinformthe future job interview (esto notiene ningún sentido) andthe requirements that a teacher needs tohave.

ADAPTATION'S SUMMARY:Willgoestoa jobinterview inHoly School North to work as a teacher in this new educative center.


-Will: Hello toeverybody, I´mWill.

I am happy to meetyou.

Thank you.

I´m here because Ineed the job. Icome fromasmallschoolwhereIhave beenplayingwith children.That´s the reason I´m dirty, I´msorry.

I´m here to tellyouhow to improveyourlessons. In myopinion, the teacher has to learn from their students every day, be patient andhasalways a positive attitude.

Ateachercan face difficult situations,so he needs to know how to solveproblems.

-Jay: I agree withyou

-Will: I come froma very conflictiveschool.

-Boss: How longwere you in yourlastschool?

- Will: Iwas there for6years.

-Boss:How is it called?

- Will: Holy SchoolNorth.

-Boss: I was studyingin this school.

-Jay: We needteachers with experience in primary

-Boss: And withstudents withspecialneeds?

- Will: Yes, ofcourse.

-Boss: Do you knowanyresources?

- Will: Yes, sir.

-Boss: How old areyou?

- Will: I am 32 yearsold.

-Boss: Jay?

-Jay: Yes, sir?

-Boss: What do youthink about Will?

-Jay: I think Will isa good teacher because he is positive.

- Boss: Are you sure?he seem tidy.

-Boss: Do you haveexperience workingingroup?

- Will: Yes,absolutely.

-Boss:Why do you want to work in this school?

- Will: I think thisschool is perfect for me.

-Boss:Why did you decide to become teacher?

- Will: Teaching ishard but a satisfactory work. Teachers can help a lot of people and they arenever forgotten. I lovethereactionyou get when the kids thinkabout aproblem and they finally understand aconcept. I fill the best when I help them.

-Boss: Will, couldyou startworkingnext weekwith us? ok? it´s ok?

-Will:I would behappy to start.


Running time117 minutesCountryUnited StatesLanguageEnglishBudget$55 millionBox office$307.1 millionThe Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American directed by and starring as, a homeless salesman. Smith's son co-stars, making his film debut as Gardner's son, Christopher Jr. The screenplay by is based on the best-selling of the same name written by Gardner with. It is based on Gardner's nearly one-year struggle being homeless.

The unusual of the film's title comes from a that Gardner sees on the wall outside the daycare facility his son attends.The film was released on December 25, 2006. Smith received acclaim for his performance and was nominated for an and a for Best Actor. Contents.Plot In 1981, salesman invests his entire life savings in portable scanners, which he demonstrates to doctors and pitches as a handy over standard. The scanners play a vital role in his life. While he is able to sell most of them, the time lag between the sales and his growing financial demands enrage his already alienated wife Linda, who works as a hotel maid.

The financial instability increasingly erodes their marriage, in spite of them caring for Christopher Jr., their soon-to-be five-year-old son. Because Chris has trouble selling the scanners, as they only produce a slightly better picture than a common X-ray but for a much higher price, and hence does not make enough money to make ends meet, Linda has to work double shifts.While Gardner is trying to sell one of the scanners, he meets Jay Twistle, a manager for, and impresses him by solving a during a taxi ride.

After Jay leaves, Gardner lacks money to pay the fare and chooses to run instead, causing the driver to angrily chase him into a station. Gardner boards a train but loses one of his scanners in the process. His new relationship with Jay earns him the chance to become an intern stockbroker. The day before the interview, Gardner grudgingly agrees to paint his apartment so as to postpone due to his difficulty in paying the rent. While painting, Gardner is greeted by two policemen at his doorstep, who take him to the station, stating he has to pay for the numerous parking tickets he has accumulated. As part of the sanction, Gardner is ordered to spend the night in jail instead, complicating his schedule for the interview the next morning. He manages to arrive at Dean Witter's office on time, albeit still in his shabby clothes, wearing his undershirt, a gray jacket and jeans, with paint splashes all over his clothes and face.

Despite his appearance, he impresses the interviewers and lands an unpaid internship. He would be among 20 interns competing for a paid position as a stockbroker.Gardner's unpaid internship does not please Linda, who eventually leaves for New York because she might get a job at her sister's boyfriend's new restaurant.

After Gardner bluntly says she is incapable of being a single mom, she agrees that Christopher Jr. Will remain with his dad.

Gardner is further set back when his bank account is by the for unpaid income taxes, and he and Christopher are evicted. He ends up with only $21.33, resulting in them being homeless, and they are forced at one point to stay in a restroom at a BART station overnight.

Other days, he and Christopher spend nights at a, in BART, or, if he manages to procure sufficient cash, at a hotel. Later, Gardner finds the bone scanner that he lost in the BART station earlier and, after repairing it, sells it to a physician, thus completing the sales of all his scanners.Disadvantaged by his limited work hours, and knowing that maximizing his client contacts and profits is the only way to earn the broker position, Gardner develops a number of ways to make phone sales calls more efficiently, including reaching out to potential high-value customers, defying protocol. One sympathetic prospect who is a top-level pension fund manager even takes Chris and Christopher to a game at. Regardless of his challenges, he never reveals his lowly circumstances to his colleagues, even going so far as to lend one of his bosses $5 for cab fare, a sum that he cannot afford. Concluding his six-month-internship, Gardner is called into a meeting with his managers. To break the ice, Gardner jokes that he is wearing a shirt (unlike the undershirt he wore during his interview) as it is his last day and thought to dress for the occasion. The manager Martin Frohm smiles and says he should wear another one tomorrow as it will be his first day, letting him know that he has won the coveted full-time position and giving him back his $5 as he promised.

Fighting back tears, Gardner shakes hands with them, then rushes to his son's daycare to embrace Christopher. They walk down the street, joking with each other (and are passed by the real Chris Gardner, in a business suit). The epilogue reveals that Gardner went on to form his own multimillion-dollar brokerage firm.Cast. as. as Christopher Gardner.

as Linda Gardner. as Jay Twistle. as Alan Frakesh. as Martin Frohm.

as Walter Ribbon. as Mrs. Chu. as Wayne. as Walking Man in Business SuitProduction.

The film is based on the story of 's struggle with homelessness. Development realized his story had potential after an overwhelming national response to an interview he did with in January 2002. He published his autobiography on May 23, 2006, and later became an associate producer for the film. The movie took some liberties with Gardner's true life story. Certain details and events that actually took place over the span of several years were compressed into a relatively short time and although eight-year-old Jaden portrayed Chris as a five-year-old, Gardner's son was just a toddler at the time. Towards the end Chris Gardner has a brief uncredited cameo appearance before the credits.Casting Chris Gardner initially thought Smith, an actor best known for his performances in blockbuster films, was miscast to play him.

However, he claimed his daughter Jacintha said, 'If Smith can play, he can play you!' , referring to Smith's role in the biopic (2001). Music released a soundtrack album with the score composed by on January 9, 2007.No.TitleLength1.'

Being Stupid'1:393.' Trouble at Home'1:305.' Rubiks Cube Taxi'1:536.' Park Chase'2:297.' Linda Leaves'4:028.' Night at Police Station'1:369.' Where's My Shoe'4:2011.'

To the Game/Touchdown'1:3712.' Locked Out'2:2013.' Welcome Chris'3:45Total length:40:00Also in the film are brief portions of ' and 'Jesus Children of America', both sung by, and 'Lord, Don't Move the Mountain' by and, sung by the.Release Box office The film debuted first at the box office, earning $27 million during its opening weekend and beating out heavily promoted films such as. It was Smith's sixth consecutive #1 opening and one of Smith's consecutive $100 million blockbusters.

The film grossed $162,586,036 domestically in the US and Canada. In the hope Gardner's story would inspire the down-trodden citizens of to achieve financial independence and to take greater responsibility for the welfare of their families, the mayor of Chattanooga organized a viewing of the film for the city's homeless. Gardner himself felt that it was imperative to share his story for the sake of its widespread social issues. 'When I talk about alcoholism in the household, domestic violence, child abuse, illiteracy, and all of those issues—those are universal issues; those are not just confined to,' he said. Home media The film was released on on March 27, 2007, and as of November 2007, US DVD sales accounted for an additional $89,923,088 in revenue, slightly less than half of what was earned in its first week of release.

About 5,570,577 units have been sold, bringing in $90,582,602 in revenue. Reception Critical response The film was received generally positively by critics, with Will Smith receiving widespread acclaim for his performance. Film review site calculated a 67% overall approval based on 175 reviews, with an average rating of 6.39/10. The site's critical consensus reads, 'Will Smith's heartfelt performance elevates The Pursuit of Happyness above mere melodrama.' In the, observed, 'The great surprise of the picture is that it's not corny. The beauty of the film is its honesty.

In its outlines, it's nothing like the usual success story depicted on-screen, in which, after a reasonable interval of disappointment, success arrives wrapped in a ribbon and a bow. Instead, this success story follows the pattern most common in life—it chronicles a series of soul-sickening failures and defeats, missed opportunities, sure things that didn't quite happen, all of which are accompanied by a concomitant accretion of barely perceptible victories that gradually amount to something. In other words, it all feels real.' Manohla Dargis of called the film 'a in. The kind of entertainment that goes down smoothly until it gets stuck in your. It's the same old bootstraps story, an American dream artfully told, skillfully sold.

To that calculated end, the film making is seamless, unadorned, transparent, the better to serve Mr. Smith's warm expressiveness.

The Pursuit Of Happiness Screenplay Pdf

How you respond to this man's moving story may depend on whether you find Mr. Smith's and his son's performances so overwhelmingly winning that you buy the idea that poverty is a function of bad luck and bad choices, and success the result of heroic toil and dreams.'

Of awarded the film three out of a possible four stars and commented, 'Smith is on the march toward Oscar. His role needs gravity, smarts, charm, humor and a soul that's not synthetic. Smith brings it. He's the real deal.' In, Brian Lowry said the film 'is more inspirational than creatively inspired—imbued with the kind of uplifting, afterschool-special qualities that can trigger a major toothache. Smith's heartfelt performance is easy to admire. But the movie's painfully earnest tone should skew its appeal to the portion of the audience that, admittedly, has catapulted many cloying TV movies into hits.

In the final accounting, it winds up being a little like the determined salesman Mr. Gardner himself: easy to root for, certainly, but not that much fun to spend time with.'

Kevin Crust of the stated, 'Dramatically it lacks the layering of a, which it superficially resembles. Though the subject matter is serious, the film itself is rather slight, and it relies on the actor to give it any energy. Even in a more modest register, Smith is a very appealing leading man, and he makes Gardner's plight compelling. The Pursuit of Happyness is an unexceptional film with exceptional performances.

There are worse ways to spend the holidays, and, at the least, it will likely make you appreciate your own circumstances.' In the, Steve Persall graded the film B- and added, 'It is the obligatory feel-good drama of the holiday season and takes that responsibility a bit too seriously. The film lays so many obstacles and solutions before its resilient hero that the volume of sentimentality and coincidence makes it feel suspect. Neither Conrad's script nor Muccino's redundant direction shows what lifted the real-life Chris above better educated and more experienced candidates, but it comes through in the earnest performances of the two Smiths. Father Will seldom comes across this mature on screen; at the finale, he achieves a measure of Oscar-worthy emotion.

Little Jaden is a chip off the old block, uncommonly at ease before the cameras. Their real-life bond is an inestimable asset to the on-screen characters' relationship, although Conrad never really tests it with any conflict.' Has named the film #7 in its list of 'The Best Conservative Movies'. Of the wrote, 'this film provides the perfect antidote to Wall Street and other Hollywood diatribes depicting the world of finance as filled with nothing but greed.'

Accolades AwardCategorySubjectResultNominatedNominatedNominatedWill SmithNominatedNominatedWill SmithNominatedJaden SmithNominatedCapri AwardMovie of the YearWonAwardWill SmithNominatedAwardNominatedWill SmithNominated('A Father's Way')NominatedWill SmithNominatedJaden SmithWonWonWill SmithNominatedJaden SmithNominatedNominatedNominatedPhoenix Film Critics Society AwardBest Young ActorJaden SmithWonWill SmithNominatedWonChoice: ChemistryWill SmithWonJaden SmithWonChoice: Breakout MaleWonSee also. Retrieved September 4, 2016. Pfeiffer, Antonia (2018). 'The Pursuit of Happyness' - A Hollywood Interpretation Of How To Achieve The American Dream.

P. 7. Littleton, Cynthia (January 21, 2016). Retrieved August 30, 2018. Chasing The Frog.

Retrieved May 29, 2018. Zwecker, Bill (July 17, 2003). 'There's a Way—and Maybe a Will—for Gardner Story'. Chicago Sun-Times.

December 14, 2006. Retrieved May 14, 2018. The Associated Press State & Local Wire (December 15, 2006). 'News briefs from around Tennessee'. Pp. 788 words. Gandossy, Taylor (January 16, 1222).

Retrieved July 14, 2010. Retrieved February 13, 2011. Retrieved February 13, 2011. Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved March 30, 2019.

Mick LaSalle, Chronicle Movie Critic (December 15, 2006). Retrieved February 13, 2011. Dargis, Manohla (December 15, 2006). Retrieved February 13, 2011. Lowry, Brian (December 7, 2006). Retrieved February 13, 2011. Boucher, Geoff (January 26, 2011).

Retrieved February 13, 2011. Retrieved February 13, 2011. Miller, John (February 23, 2009).

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