
Galaxy Scenario File Differs From Host

1 Jan 2000admin
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Galaxy Scenario File Differs From Host To Facebook; Sins Of A Solar Empire Save Location. Source only makes sense when you run it inside an existing shell. Feb 15, 2020  'Your galaxy scenario file differs from the host's' August 28, 2018 3:39:03 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Okay.

In Windows 10 version 2004, we are introducing the concept of Hosted Apps to the Windows App Model. Hosted apps are registered as independent apps on Windows, but require a host process in order to run. An example would be a script file which requires its host (eg: Powershell or Python) to be installed.

By itself, it is just a file and does not have any way to appear as an app to Windows. With the Hosted App Model, an app can declare itself as a host, and then packages can declare a dependency upon that host and are known as hosted apps. When the hosted app is launched, the host executable is then launched with the identity of the hosted app package instead of its own identity. This allows the host to be able to access the contents of the hosted app package and when calling APIs it does so with the hosted app identity. BackgroundModern apps are defined to Windows via signed MSIX packages.

A package provides identity, so it is known to the system and contains all the files, assets, and registration information for the app it contains. Many apps have scenarios where they want to host content and binaries, such as extensibility points, from other apps. There are also scenarios where the host app is more of a runtime engine that loads script content. On top of it all, there is a desire to have these hosted apps to look and behave like a separate app on the system – where it has its own start tile, identity, and deep integration with Windows features such as BackgroundTasks, Notifications, and Share. Using the Hosted App Model, a retail kiosk app can easily be rebranded, or a Python or Powershell script can now be treated as a separate app.Developers attempt to accomplish this today in either of two ways. First, they simply use a shortcut on the desktop to launch the host.

But this experience does not have any deep integration with Windows and the shell, as the ‘app’ is the host executable not the script. To get a more deeply integrated experience, the alternative is for developers to create a packaged app that includes the host binaries within the package. While the package would now be a separate app and have the ability for deep Windows integration, this approach is inefficient as each app would need to redistribute the host and can have potential servicing and licensing issues.The Hosted App Model solves the needs of these hosted apps. The Hosted App Model is dependent upon two pieces, a “Host” which is made available to other apps, and a “Hosted App” that declares a dependency upon the host. When a hosted app is launched, the result is that the host is then running under the identity of the hosted app package, so it can load visual assets, content from the Hosted App package location, and when it calls APIs it does so with the identity declared in the Hosted App. The Hosted App gets the intersection of capabilities declared between the Host and Hosted App – this means that if a Hosted App cannot ask for more capabilities than what the Host provides.

In this initial release of the Hosted App Model packaged desktop apps are supported, and we will be expanding support to UWP hosts in future releases. What is a Host and a Hosted App?More specifically, a Host is the executable in a package declared by the HostRuntime extension which points to the main executable or runtime process for the hosted app. The HostRuntime extension has an Id attribute, and this identifier is referenced as a dependency by the Hosted App in its package manifest. A host can determine the package identity it is currently running under by referring to the Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current api.A Hosted App is an app that declares a package dependency on a Host, and leverages the HostRuntime Id for activation instead of specifying an Entrypoint executable in its own package.

It typically contains content, visual assets, scripts, or binaries that may be accessed by the host. Hosted App packages can be Signed or Unsigned:. Signed packages may contain executable files. This is useful in scenarios that have an extension mechanism, allowing the host to load a dll or registered component in the hosted app package.

Unsigned packages can only contain non-executable files. This is useful in scenarios where the hostruntime only needs to load images, assets and content such as script files. Unsigned packages must include a special Unsigned Publisher OID in their Identity or they won’t be allowed to register. This prevents unsigned packages from spoofing a signed package identity.Declaring a HostDeclaring a Host is quite simple.

Galaxy Scenario File Differs From Host

All you need to do is to declare the HostRuntime package extension in your AppxManifest.xml. The HostRuntime extension is package-wide and so is declared as a child of the package element. Below is an excerpt from an example AppxManifest.xml showing the HostRuntime entry that declares an app as a Host with Id “PythonHost.”. hostRuntime – a package-wide extension defining runtime information used when activating a Hosted App.

Executable – The executable binary that will be the host process. RuntimeBehavior and TrustLevel – A hosted app will run with the definitions expressed in the extension. For example, a hosted app using the Host declared above will run the executable PyScriptEngine.exe, at mediumIL trust level.

HostRuntime Id – A unique identifier used to specify a Host in a package. A package can have multiple Host Apps, and each must have a unique HostRuntime Id. This identifier is referenced by the Hosted App.Declaring a Hosted AppA hosted app must declare a package dependency upon the host, and specify the HostId to use. If the package is unsigned, it must include the Unsigned Publisher OID to ensure the package identity does not conflict with a signed package.

Also the TargetDeviceFamily should match the host so it does not attempt to deploy on devices that are not supported by the host. The following is an example of a manifest for a Hosted App that takes a dependency upon the Python host. Unsigned Publisher OID – 2.22=1 This identifier is required when a Hosted App will be unsigned.

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The identifier ensures any unsigned package cannot spoof the identity of a signed package. HostRuntimeDependency – A Hosted App package must declare a HostRuntimeDependency on the Host app. This consists of the Name and Publisher of the Host package, and the min version it depends on.

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These can be found under the element in the Host package. When deployed, if the HostRuntimeDependency cannot be found, the registration fails. HostId – Instead of declaring the usual Executable and EntryPoint for an app or extension, the HostId attribute expresses a dependency on a Host app. As a result, the Hosted App inherits the Executable, EntryPoint and runtime attributes of the Host with the specified HostId. When registered, if the HostId is not found, the deployment fails.

Parameters (optional)– parameters that are passed on the command line to the host app. The host needs to know what to do with these parameters, and so there is an implied contract between the host and hosted app.Dynamic Registration for Unsigned Hosted AppsOne of the advantages of the new HostRuntime is that it enables a host to dynamically register a hosted app package at runtime. This dynamically registered package does not need to be signed. This allows a host to dynamically generate the content and manifest for the hosted app package and then register it. We are working with the new Microsoft Edge browser to take advantage of the Hosted App Model for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) – converting the web app manifest into an app manifest, package the additional web content into an MSIX package and register it.