
Cupid Psyche 85 Rar

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Psyche and Amor, also known as Psyche Receiving Cupid's First Kiss (1798), by: a symbolic butterfly hovers over Psyche in a moment of innocence poised before sexual awakening.Cupid and Psyche is a story originally from Metamorphoses (also called ), written in the 2nd century AD by Lucius Madaurensis (or Platonicus). The tale concerns the overcoming of obstacles to the between (,: Ψυχή, 'Soul' or 'Breath of Life') and (Latin Cupido, 'Desire') or Amor ('Love', Greek ’′Ερως), and their ultimate union in a. Although the only extended narrative from is that of Apuleius from 2nd century AD, Eros and Psyche appear in as early as the 4th century BC.

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The story's elements and allusions to accommodate multiple interpretations, and it has been analyzed as an and in light of, or, and.Since the rediscovery of Apuleius's novel in the, the of Cupid and Psyche in the has been extensive. The story has been retold in poetry, drama, and opera, and depicted widely in painting, sculpture, and even wallpaper.

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Though Psyche is usually referred to in Roman mythology by her Greek name, her Roman name through direct translation is Anima. Psyche Honoured by the People (1692–1702) from a series of 12 scenes from the story byThe tale of Cupid and Psyche (or 'Eros and Psyche') is placed at the midpoint of Apuleius's novel, and occupies about a fifth of its total length. The novel itself is a by the Lucius. Transformed into a donkey by gone wrong, Lucius undergoes various trials and adventures, and finally regains human form by eating roses sacred to. Psyche's story has some similarities, including the theme of dangerous curiosity, punishments and tests, and redemption through divine favor.As a structural mirror of the overarching plot, the tale is an example of.

It occurs within a complex narrative frame, with Lucius recounting the tale as it in turn was told by an old woman to Charite, a bride kidnapped by pirates on her wedding day and held captive in a cave. The happy ending for Psyche is supposed to assuage Charite's fear of rape, in one of several instances of Apuleius's.Although the tale resists explication as a strict of a particular Platonic argument, Apuleius drew generally on imagery such as the laborious ascent of the winged soul ( 248) and the union with the divine achieved by Soul through the agency of the Love ( 212b). Psyche's Wedding (, 1895) byThere were once a king and queen, rulers of an unnamed city, who had three daughters of conspicuous beauty. The youngest and most beautiful was Psyche, whose admirers, neglecting the proper worship of the, instead prayed and made offerings to her. It was rumored that she was the second coming of Venus, or the daughter of Venus from an unseemly union between the goddess and a mortal.

Venus is offended, and commissions Cupid to work her revenge. Cupid is sent to shoot Psyche with an arrow so that she may fall in love with something hideous. He instead scratches himself with his own dart, which makes any living thing fall in love with the first thing it sees. Consequently, he falls deeply in love with Psyche and disobeys his mother's order.Although her two humanly beautiful sisters have married, the idolized Psyche has yet to find love. Her father suspects that they have incurred the wrath of the gods, and consults the of. The response is unsettling: the king is to expect no human son-in-law, but rather a dragon-like creature who harasses the world with fire and iron and is feared by even and the inhabitants of the underworld.Psyche is arrayed in funeral attire, conveyed by a procession to the peak of a rocky crag, and exposed.

Marriage and death are merged into a single rite of passage, a 'transition to the unknown'. The West Wind bears her up to meet her fated match, and deposits her in a lovely meadow , where she promptly falls asleep.The transported girl awakes to find herself at the edge of a cultivated grove. Exploring, she finds a marvelous house with golden columns, a carved ceiling of and ivory, silver walls embossed with wild and domesticated animals, and jeweled mosaic floors.

A disembodied voice tells her to make herself comfortable, and she is entertained at a feast that serves itself and by singing to an invisible lyre.Although fearful and without the proper experience, she allows herself to be guided to a bedroom, where in the darkness a being she cannot see has sex with her. She gradually learns to look forward to his visits, though he always departs before sunrise and forbids her to look upon him. Soon, she becomes pregnant.Violation of trust Psyche's family longs for news of her, and after much cajoling, Cupid, still unknown to his bride, permits Zephyr to carry her sisters up for a visit.

When they see the splendor in which Psyche lives, they become envious, and undermine her happiness by prodding her to uncover her husband's true identity, since surely as foretold by the oracle she was lying with the vile winged serpent, who would devour her and her child. Psyche Showing Her Jewelry to Her Sisters (, 1815–16), byOne night after Cupid falls asleep, Psyche carries out the plan her sisters devised: she brings out a dagger and a lamp she had hidden in the room, in order to see and kill the monster. But when the light instead reveals the most beautiful creature she has ever seen, she is so startled that she wounds herself on one of the arrows in Cupid's cast-aside quiver. Struck with a feverish passion, she spills hot oil from the lamp and wakes him. He flees, and though she tries to pursue, he flies away and leaves her on the bank of a river.There she is discovered by the wilderness god, who recognizes the signs of passion upon her. She acknowledges his divinity , then begins to wander the earth looking for her lost love.

Amore e Psiche (1707–09) by: Psyche's use of the lamp to see the god is sometimes thought to reflect the magical practice of lychnomancy, a form of divination or spirit conjuring.Psyche visits first one sister, then the other; both are seized with renewed envy upon learning the identity of Psyche's secret husband. Each sister attempts to offer herself as a replacement by climbing the rocky crag and casting herself upon Zephyr for conveyance, but instead is allowed to fall to a brutal death.Wanderings and trials In the course of her wanderings, Psyche comes upon a temple of, and inside finds a disorder of grain offerings, garlands, and agricultural implements. Recognizing that the proper cultivation of the gods should not be neglected, she puts everything in good order, prompting a of Demeter herself. Although Psyche prays for her aid, and Demeter acknowledges that she deserves it, the goddess is prohibited from helping her against a fellow goddess.

A similar incident occurs at a temple of. Psyche realizes that she must serve Venus herself.Venus revels in having the girl under her power, and turns Psyche over to her two handmaids, Worry and Sadness, to be whipped and tortured. Venus tears her clothes and bashes her head into the ground, and mocks her for conceiving a child in a sham marriage.

The goddess then throws before her a great mass of mixed wheat, barley, poppyseed, chickpeas, lentils, and beans, demanding that she sort them into separate heaps by dawn. But when Venus withdraws to attend a wedding feast, a kind ant takes pity on Psyche, and assembles a fleet of insects to accomplish the task. Venus is furious when she returns drunk from the feast, and only tosses Psyche a crust of bread. At this point in the story, it is revealed that Cupid is also in the house of Venus, languishing from his injury. Psyche's Second Task (, 1526–28) by, from theAt dawn, Venus sets a second task for Psyche. She is to cross a river and fetch golden wool from violent sheep who graze on the other side.

These sheep are elsewhere identified as belonging to the. Psyche's only intention is to drown herself on the way, but instead she is saved by instructions from a divinely inspired reed, of the type used to make musical instruments, and gathers the wool caught on.For Psyche's third task, she is given a crystal vessel in which to collect the black water spewed by the source of the rivers. Climbing the cliff from which it issues, she is daunted by the foreboding air of the place and dragons slithering through the rocks, and falls into despair. Jupiter himself takes pity on her, and sends his eagle to battle the dragons and retrieve the water for her.Psyche and the underworld The last trial Venus imposes on Psyche is a itself. She is to take a box and obtain in it a dose of the beauty of, queen of the underworld.

Venus claims her own beauty has faded through tending her ailing son, and she needs this remedy in order to attend the theatre of the gods (theatrum deorum). By: Cupid finds the sleeping Psyche Reunion and immortal love Meanwhile, Cupid's wound has healed into a scar, and he escapes his mother's house by flying out of a window. When he finds Psyche, he draws the sleep from her face and replaces it in the box, then pricks her with an arrow that does no harm.

He lifts her into the air, and takes her to present the box to Venus.He then takes his case to, who gives his consent in return for Cupid's future help whenever a choice maiden catches his eye. Zeus has convene an assembly of the gods in the theater of heaven, where he makes a public statement of approval, warns Venus to back off, and gives Psyche, the drink of immortality, so the couple can be united in marriage as equals.

Their union, he says, will redeem Cupid from his history of provoking adultery and sordid liaisons. Zeus's word is solemnized with a wedding banquet.With its happy marriage and resolution of conflicts, the tale ends in the manner of classic or such as. The child born to the couple will be (Greek ‘Ηδονή), 'Pleasure.' The Wedding of Cupid and Psyche. The Wedding Banquet of Cupid and Psyche (1517) by and his workshop, from the ,The assembly of the gods has been a popular subject for both visual and performing arts, with the wedding banquet of Cupid and Psyche a particularly rich occasion. With the wedding of and, this is the most common setting for a ' scene in art. Apuleius describes the scene in terms of a festive Roman dinner party.

Cupid, now a husband, reclines in the place of honor (the ) and embraces Psyche in his lap. Zeus and situate themselves likewise, and all the other gods are arranged in order. The cupbearer of Jove (Zeus's other Roman name) serves him with nectar, the 'wine of the gods'; Apuleius refers to the cupbearer only as ille rusticus puer, 'that country boy,' and not as., the Roman god of wine, serves the rest of the company., the god of fire, cooks the food; the ('Seasons' or 'Hours') adorn, or more literally 'empurple,' everything with roses and other flowers; the suffuse the setting with the scent of, and the with melodic singing. Apollo sings to his, and Venus takes the starring role in dancing at the wedding, with the Muses as her chorus girls, a blowing the (tibia in Latin), and a young expressing himself through the (fistula).The wedding provides for the narrative structure as well as for the love story: the mysteriously provided pleasures Psyche enjoyed in the of Cupid at the beginning of her odyssey, when she entered into a false marriage preceded by funeral rites, are reimagined in the hall of the gods following correct ritual procedure for a real marriage.

The arranging of the gods in their proper order (in ordinem) would evoke for the Roman audience the religious ceremony of the, a public banquet held for the major deities in the form of statues arranged on luxurious couches, as if they were present and participating in the meal. Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (c. 1773), by based on the 1st-century, which most likely was intended to depict an The wedding banquet was a favored theme for Renaissance art. As early as 1497, made the banquet central to his now-lost Cupid and Psyche cycle at the, near. At the in Rome, it is one of two main scenes for the Loggia di Psiche (ca. 1518) by and his workshop, as well as for the Stanza di Psiche (1545–46) by at the. Introduced the subject to northern Europe with his 'enormous' called The Wedding of Cupid and Psyche (1587, 43 by 85.4 cm), which influenced how other northern artists depicted assemblies of the gods in general.

The engraving in turn had been taken from 's 1585 drawing of the same title, considered a ' of ' and discussed by for its exemplary composition involving numerous figures.In the 18th century, 's Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (1744) affirmed ideals with the authority figure Jupiter presiding over a marriage of lovely equals. The painting reflects the taste for pastels, fluid delicacy, and amorous scenarios infused with youth and beauty. As allegory.

Psyche in the grove of Cupid, 1345 illustration of the Metamorphoses,The story of Cupid and Psyche was readily allegorized. In, (5th century) refashions it as an allegory about the fall of the human soul. For Apuleius, immortality is granted to the soul of Psyche as a reward for commitment to sexual love. In the version of Martianus, sexual love draws Psyche into the material world that is subject to death: 'Cupid takes Psyche from Virtue and shackles her in '.The tale thus lent itself to adaptation in a Christian or context. In the text, the first rose is created from the blood of Psyche when she loses her virginity to Cupid.

To the Christian mythographer (6th century), Psyche was an figure, driven by sinful curiosity and lust from the paradise of Love's domain. Psyche's sisters are Flesh and Free Will, and her parents are God and Matter. To (14th century), the marriage of Cupid and Psyche symbolized the union of soul and God.

Classical tradition Apuleius's novel was among the ancient texts that made the crucial transition from to form when it was edited at the end of the 4th century. It was known to Latin writers such as, Martianus Capella, and Fulgentius, but toward the end of the 6th century lapsed into obscurity and survived what was formerly known as the ' through perhaps a single.

The Metamorphoses remained unknown in the 13th century, but copies began to circulate in the mid-1300s among the of. Boccaccio's text and interpretation of Cupid and Psyche in his (written in the 1370s and published 1472) was a major impetus to the reception of the tale in the and to its dissemination throughout Europe.One of the most popular images from the tale was Psyche's discovery of a naked Cupid sleeping, found in ceramics, and frescos. Painters were intensely drawn to the scene. In England, the Cupid and Psyche theme had its 'most lustrous period' from 1566 to 1635, beginning with the first English translation.

A fresco cycle for, was modeled indirectly after that of the Villa Farnesina around 1570, and 's Love's Mistress dramatized the tale to celebrate the wedding of and, who later had her decorated with a 22-painting Cupid and Psyche cycle. The cycle took the divinization of Psyche as the centerpiece of the ceiling, and was a vehicle for the Neoplatonism the queen brought with her from France. The Cupid and Psyche produced by for the royal couple shows a fully robed Psyche whose compelling interest is psychological, while Cupid is mostly nude. Exposed the erotic vulnerability of the male figure in his Cupid and Psyche (1628–30)Another peak of interest in Cupid and Psyche occurred in the Paris of the late 1790s and early 1800s, reflected in a proliferation of opera, ballet, deluxe book editions, interior decoration such as clocks and wall paneling, and even hairstyles.

In the aftermath of the, the myth became a vehicle for the refashioning of the self. In English intellectual and artistic circles around the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, the fashion for Cupid and Psyche accompanied a fascination for the ancient. In writing about the, which was obtained by the around 1810, speculated that the myth of Cupid and Psyche was part of the. With his interest in, Darwin saw the butterfly as an apt emblem of the soul because it began as an earthbound caterpillar, 'died' into the, and was then resurrected as a beautiful winged creature. Literature In 1491, the poet retold the story with Cupid as the narrator. Alludes to the story at the conclusion of (1634), attributing not one but two children to the couple: Youth and Joy.

Wrote a verse version called Cupid and Psyche (1637), and a mixed prose and verse romance (1699).draws on elements of the tale particularly in the figures of. Luvah takes on the various guises of Apuleius's Cupid: beautiful and winged; disembodied voice; and serpent., who mentions his admiration for Apuleius in his notes, combines the myth with the spiritual quest expressed through the eroticism of the, with and the as a parallel couple. (1817) by: the choice of narrative moment—a adolescent Cupid departs Psyche's bed with 'malign joy' —was a new twist on the well-worn subjectpublished her poem Psyche in 1805. She added some details to the story, such placing two springs in Venus' garden, one with sweet water and one with bitter. When Cupid starts to obey his mother's command, he brings some of both to a sleeping Psyche, but places only the bitter water on Psyche's lips. Tighe's Venus only asks one task of Psyche, to bring her the forbidden water, but in performing this task Psyche wanders into a country bordering on 's as Psyche is aided by a mysterious visored knight and his squire Constance, and must escape various traps set by Vanity, Flattery, Ambition, Credulity, Disfida (who lives in a 'Gothic castle'), Varia and Geloso. Spenser's also makes an appearance.

Tighe's work influenced English lyric poetry on the theme, including two poems by called 'To a Butterfly,' and the (1820). 's poem Cupid and Psyche (1826) illustrates an engraving of a painting by W. West.retold the Cupid and Psyche story in verse in (1868–70), and a chapter in 's (1885) was a prose translation. About the same time, wrote (1885; 1894).transferred the story to England in her novel The True Heart (1929), though few readers made the connection till she pointed it out herself.

Other literary adaptations include (1942), a novella by; (1956), a version by narrated by a sister of Psyche; and the poem 'Psyche: 'Love drove her to Hell'. Made use of the story in his book She: Understanding Feminine Psychology, published in 1976 by.Translations made the first translation into English of Apuleius's Metamorphoses in 1566, under the title The XI Bookes of the Golden Asse, Conteininge the Metamorphosie of Lucius Apuleius. Adlington seems not to have been interested in a Neoplatonic reading, but his translation consistently suppresses the sensuality of the original. Published an influential translation of Cupid and Psyche in 1795, several years before his complete Metamorphoses. A translation by appeared in 1951 as The Transformations of Lucius Otherwise Known as THE GOLDEN ASS, A New Translation by Robert Graves from Apuleius, published by, New York.Folklore and children's literature.

Psyche showing her Sisters her Gifts from Cupid, Painting byViewed in terms of psychology rather than allegory, the tale of Cupid and Psyche shows how 'a mutable person matures within the of family and marriage'. In the of (1956), the story of Psyche was interpreted as 'the psychic development of the feminine'.Cupid and Psyche has been analyzed from a as a paradigm of how the gender unity of women is disintegrated through rivalry and envy, replacing the bonds of sisterhood with an ideal of heterosexual love. This theme was explored in Psyche's Sisters: Reimagining the Meaning of Sisterhood (1988) by, who uses.made the story the basis for his critique of scientific psychology, The Myth of Analysis: Three Essays in Archetypal Psychology (1983). Uses the story as the basis for much of her analysis of love and relationships in The Birth of Pleasure (Knopf, 2002).Fine and decorative arts The story of Cupid and Psyche is depicted in a wide range of visual media. Psyche is often represented with butterfly wings, and the butterfly is her frequent attribute and a symbol of the soul, though the literary Cupid and Psyche never says that she has or acquires wings.

In, an iconographical tradition existed independently of Apuleius's tale and influenced later depictions. Ancient art.

Eros and Psyche plaster medallion (1st century A.D.) excavated in Begram, collections of; on exhibit at British Museum, London.Some extant examples suggest that in antiquity Cupid and Psyche could have a religious or mystical meaning. Bearing their likeness, several of which come from, may have served an purpose. From Britain represent spiritual torment with the image of Cupid torching a butterfly. The two are also depicted in high relief in mass-produced Roman domestic plaster wares from 1st-2nd centuries AD found in excavations at Greco-Bactrian merchant settlements on the ancient Silk Road at Begram in Afghanistan (see gallery below). The allegorical pairing depicts perfection of human love in integrated embrace of body and soul ('psyche' Greek for butterfly symbol for transcendent immortal life after death).

On, the couple often seem to represent an allegory of love overcoming death.A relief of Cupid and Psyche was displayed at the of, but it is unclear whether it expresses a quest for salvation, or was simply a subject that appealed to an individual for other reasons. Psyche is invoked with 'Providence' (Pronoia) at the beginning of the so-called.In, the couple are often shown in a 'chin-chuck' embrace, a gesture of 'erotic communion' with a long history. The rediscovery of freestanding sculptures of the couple influenced several significant works of the modern era.Other depictions surviving from antiquity include a 2nd-century possibly of the tale, and a ceiling at executed during the reign of. Modern era. Cupid and Psyche (1867) by, criticized for rendering female nudity as 'commonplace'Works of art proliferated after the rediscovery of Apuleius's text, in conjunction with the influence of classical sculpture. In the mid-15th century, Cupid and Psyche became a popular subject for Italian wedding chests , particularly those of the. The choice was most likely prompted by Boccaccio's Christianized allegory.

The earliest of these cassoni, dated variously to the years 1444–1470, pictures the narrative in two parts: from Psyche's conception to her abandonment by Cupid; and her wanderings and the happy ending. With the wedding of and, the subject was the most common choice for specifying paintings of the, which were popular from the Renaissance to.Cupid and Psyche is a rich source for scenarios, and several artists have produced cycles of works based on it, including the frescoes at the (ca. 1518) by and his workshop; frescoes at (1527–28) by; by the ' (mid-16th century); and paintings by the (in the 1870s–90s). Burne-Jones also executed a series of 47 drawings intended as illustrations for Morris's poem. Cupid and Psyche was the subject of the only cycle of created by the German (1857–1920) to illustrate a specific story.The special interest in the wedding as a subject in Northern Mannerism seems to spring from a large of 1587 by in of a drawing by (now ) that had brought back from, where Spranger was court painter to. The Feast of the Gods at the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche was so large, at 16 7/8 x 33 5/8 in. (43 x 85.4 cm), that it was printed from three different plates.

Over 80 figures are shown, placed up in the clouds over a that can be glimpsed below. The composition borrows from both Raphael and Giulio Romano's versions.The most popular subjects for single paintings or sculpture are the couple alone, or explorations of the figure of Psyche, who is sometimes depicted in compositions that recall the sleeping as she was found by Dionysus.

The use of or sexuality in portraying Cupid and Psyche sometimes has offended contemporary sensibilities. In the 1840s, the banned 's Cupid and Psyche, called perhaps 'the most erotic painting in nineteenth-century America'. Classical subject matter might be presented in terms of realistic nudity: in 1867, the female figure in the Cupid and Psyche of was criticized as a 'commonplace naked young woman'. But during the same period, Cupid and Psyche were also portrayed chastely, as in the sculptures Psyche (1845) by Townsend and Cupid and Psyche (1846) by, which were purchased by and her, otherwise keen collectors of nudes in the 1840s and 50s.Portrayals of Psyche alone are often not confined to illustrating a scene from Apuleius, but may draw on the broader Platonic tradition in which Love was a force that shaped the self.

The Psyche Abandoned of, probably based on La Fontaine's version of the tale, depicts the moment when Psyche, having violated the taboo of looking upon her lover, is abandoned alone on a rock, her nakedness expressing dispossession and the color palette a psychological 'divestment'. The work has been seen as an 'emotional proxy' for the artist's own isolation and desperation during his imprisonment, which resulted from his participation in the and association with. Sculpture.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to. (Texts of Cupid and Psyche and similar monster or beast as bridegroom tales, mostly of AT-425C form, with hyperlinked commentary).: or. Mary Tighe, Psyche or, the Legend of Love (1820) or. A poem by from The Literary Souvenir, 1827. Walter Pater, Marius the Epicurean, chapter 5 (1885). (Plain text.).

(PDF). The Baldwin Project: and. Thomas Bulfinch, The Age of Fable (1913).

by. (Illustrated with painting and sculpture.).

Cupid and Psyche A New Play in Blank Verse'. Turn to Flesh Productions. Art. (Examples and discussion of Cupid and Psyche in painting.).

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