
Bell Howell Filmo Serial Numbers

1 Jan 2000admin
Bell Howell Filmo Serial Numbers Rating: 3,9/5 3589 votes

The Bell & Howell Filmo Sportster 8mm had a production run from 1939 to 1952. It was produced in large numbers and was a relatively inexpensive consumer grade movie camera (for its time). If you were to account for today's currency inflation, most of these small 8mm home cameras sold anywhere from $800 to $1000 USD. I thought this write up from an original Bell & Howell ad from 1946 was pretty.

Kenwood radio was by it's serial number and for the most part, I think I am right. Let's say you have a TS-850 or TS-870 and the serial number is in the 8 million range, that is 800134. This would indicate that hte radio was made in 1997. The first number minus 1 seems to equal the last digit of the year in which the radio was made. Kenwood ts 850s serial numbers.

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Full text of 'Filmo AuditoriumProjector-lOOO-Watt.Filmo 129— 750- WattFilmo.IS— 75 0- Wail.Filmo S— 750 and500-Watt.Projection LampsProjection LensesContinuous Projec-tion AttachmentsFilmosound16 mm. Sound-o iB-Film ReproducerBELL & HOWELLFILMO16 MM. PROJECTORSPROFESSIONAL RESULTS WITH AMATEUR EASEIn your 16 mm. ProjectorYOU NEED B& II QUALITYFor best screen pictures. For constant dependability. For ultimate economyJ. Reproduce the full beauty of good motion picture photography, aquality projector is indispensable.

You'll never know how good yourfilms really are. Never know how much of their beauty you mayhave been missing because of inadequate projection. Until you seethem shown with a modern Filmo Projector.Screened pictures must be steady and flickerless. They must be brilliant,even on the largest of screens that you may have occasion to use.

FilmoProjectors ably meet these requirements. These machines are, as theyhave been for twelve years, generally conceded to be the finest availablefor showing 16 mm. And the present-day Filmos offer far greaterilluminating power than former models.

Lamps of 1000-, 750-, and 500-watt sizes are now standard equipment.There are other considerations in selecting a projector which are equallyas important as the picture quality achieved by a demonstrator.Your projector must be so constructed that it will not only give thedesired results when new, but will continue to perform excellently, withconstant, uninterrupted dependability, for many years to come. In thetwo seasons of 'A Century of Progress' Exposition in Chicago, a largenumber of Filmo Projectors were operated continually for ten and twelvehours a day, seven days a week, for ten months. This use was equivalent toshowing two reels a day, 300 days a year, for twenty years! Nevertheless,when the 1934 Fair closed these Filmo Projectors were still giving thesame fine service, the same fine picture results, as they did when origi-nally demonstrated to their users! It pays to buy Bell & Howell quality.Your films are often irreplaceable. Your projector must give them everyprotection from picture surface abrasion and from perforation wear.How Filmo Projectors excel in this respect is explained on the followingpages. Here again it pays to buy Bell & Howell quality.There are Filmo 16 mm.

Projector models to meet every requirement,from the new 1000-Watt Model 130, capable in large auditoriums, to themoderately priced Model S. This booklet describes them all.BELL & HOWELL COMPANYScanned from the collection ofKit ParkerCoordinated by theMedia History Digital Librarywww.mediahistoryproject.orgFunded by a donation fromDavid PierceDigitized by the Internet Archivein 2012 with funding fromMedia History Digital Libraryguided by FACTSNot every engineering advantage is apparent on the surfaceof a projector. This and the following page tell what isbeneath the surface of a Filmo Projector. And what suchconstruction means to the owner. Compare values. Thenyou can buy wisely. Nowhere else can you even approachFilmo's superiority.BRILLIANT PICTURES.

The lightsource is a 1000- watt, 750-watt, or 500-watt biplane filament lamp, according tothe model selected.The shutter, being of the disk, focal planetype, permits the most efficient placing ofcondenser and lamp close to the apertureplate. This type of shutter gives the mostuniformly bright screen illumination. Theshutter's open segment, which obviouslydirectly affects picture brilliance, is greaterthan found in many other projectors.The lamp is rigidly locked in preciselyits correct alignment on the axis of theoptical system, as is necessary to utilizeits full brilliance.

This rigid locking isaccomplished by virtue of the specialB & H pre-focusing ring on the lamp base.The condenser and reflector are instantlyremovable, without tools, for the occa-sional cleaning which is required to main-tain their full efficiency.The reflector has an external micrometeradjustment to assure correct alignmentand uniform screen illumination, espe-cially advantageous for Kodacolor.STEADY, FLICKERLESS PICTURES.The film is in motion at the apertureonly l/9th of the time it is being pro-jected. The rest of the time the film isheld absolutely stationary by side ten-sion springs.

Tests prove this 9 to 1ratio scientifically correct. The low shut-ter frequency usually associated withlower ratios causes flicker. Higher ratios,because of rapid acceleration involved,impose more strain on film perforations.UNIFORM SPEED.

Gear drive frommotor to mechanism insures uniformspeed and virtual elimination of accelera-tion period with its flicker.Friction type precision speed control,once correctly set, permits stopping andstarting without the adjustments fre-quently required with rheostat speed con-trols to provide sufficient motor torquefor starting.COMPLETE FILM PROTECTION. Sidetension springs control the film at theaperture.

Surface tension springs, whichpress on the film emulsion, resulting inscratched film, are not employed in Filmo.Shuttle tooth movement is straight in,straight down, and straight out, so thatthere is no 'sawing' action to causewear on the film perforations.Sprockets are large, to avoid bending thefilm sharply.The film travels in a straight line — noside twists which might strain the filmand tend to open the splices.Air cooling and an automatic safetyshutter protect the film fully from heat.EASE OF OPERATION. The Filmo Pro-jector plugs into any light socket, 110- to120-volt AC or DC, 25 to 60 cycle.Threading takes but a moment, facilitatedby large sprockets and independentlyoperated sprocket guards. A touch of thestarting button puts the projector intoaction. Turning a knob tilts the projectorto place the picture squarely on thescreen. A slight turn of the lens and thefocus is perfect. A manual framer per-mits eliminating the visible frame linewhen projecting out-of-frame prints.

Con-trols are spaced to prevent confusion inmanipulation, even in the dark.AERO DUAL COOLING. The lamphouse has heat - dissipating fins whichsupplement the cooling action of theforced air draft on the film at the aper-ture and on the lamp. This keeps thelamp within its maximum safe temper-ature, prolonging lamp life.LAMP EASILY REPLACED. The lampis removed by holding the coolest section— the base.

Bell Howell Filmo Serial Numbers

Replacements can be madequickly, without using gloves or tools.' METERED. LUBRICATION.

At everyrevolution, vital moving parts of theFilmo mechanism contact oil felts whichrelease exactly the correct quantity ofoil. Under average personal use, monthlyoiling is sufficient. A guard protects thefilm from oil.HELICAL GEARS are recognized bymodern engineering as necessary forquiet operation and long life. They arenow used by leading automotive manufac-turers, and for many years have beenstandard in Filmo Projectors.DIE CAST ALUMINUM-ALLOY FRAMEcombines strength with light weight.

Itshigh heat conductivity results in cooleroperation. These accurately machinedcastings are interchangeable, assuringsimple, completely satisfactory replace-ment in case of accidental damage.KODACOLOR.

The lens and filter as-sembly and the auxiliary condenser forshowing Kodacolor pictures can be addedby the owner at any time, without anychanges in the machine.GUARANTEEAll Filmo Projectors are guaranteedagainst any defects in materials or work-manship, and this guarantee is backed bythe Bell & Howell Company, world'slargest producer of professional cine-machinery and pioneer in 16 mm. Movieequipment.Only in FILMO PROJECTORS willyovi find all these important features1. The Filmo condenser isinstantly withdrawn, by its ex-ternal handle, for cleaning.2. The Filmo reflector, too, iseasily removable, without tools,for the essential cleaning.3. A micrometer reflector ad-justment, easily accessible,contributes to uniform illumi-nation.4. Shuttle tooth H moves ina rectangular path — no saw-ing on film perforations.

CamJ imparts vertical movement;cam D imparts in-and-outmovement.5. Only in Filmo is the lampremoved by grasping its cool-est portion, the base.6. Helical gears, necessary forquiet operation and long life,are used in Filmo Projectors.rrisasMutUJEEl.y 'oFILMO AUDITORIUMPROJECTOR, Model 130Most powerful of 16 mm. Projectors — 1000-watt illumination. 1600 -foot film capacityl HE new Filmo Auditorium Projector,Model 130, latest projector from the Bell& Howell Engineering Laboratories, marksa major advance in 16 mm. Projection,extending the use of the safe, economical16 mm. Film even further into fields wherepreviously only 35 mm.

Film would givesufficiently large, bright pictures.Its great illuminating power recommendsit for presentations before large audi-ences. Its 1600-foot film capacity per-mits a one-hour program without inter-ruption. Its dependability and longevityare assured by the fact that it includesall the time-proved features of design andconstruction presented on pages one andtwo. Features which are common toall Filmo 16 mm.

It may beoperated on 100- to 120-volt, 25- to 60-cycle alternating current or on 100- to120-volt direct current.Add to the above-mentioned basic advan-tages the distinguishing features pre-sented on the next page, and you have thenew Filmo Auditorium Projector.Filmo Auditorium Projector Features1000-WATT LAMP. The most powerful light sourceever used in a 16 mm. Instigated by Bell& Howell and developed by the lamp manufacturerwith the co-operation of Bell & Howell engineers.VARIABLE LAMP RESISTANCE AND VOLT-METER. Permits precise control of the currentvoltage fed to the lamp, assuring maximum screenillumination (and permitting reduced illuminationwhen desired) and preventing overloading the lampand the resultant shortening of its life. Adequatefor all line currents between 100 and 120 volts.NEW OPTICAL SYSTEM.

Results in an increasein illumination considerably greater than that at-tributable to the increase in lamp wattage.B & H 2-INCH F 1.65 LENS. Great speed con-tributes to the projector's remarkable illuminatingpower. Fine optical quality results in sharp focusclear to the corners of the screen. Focusing is madequick by two-speed focusing mounting.LENS INTERCHANGEABILITY.

The standardlens may be replaced instantly with any one of afull range of extra lenses to meet special require-ments, from the 0.64-inch for close quarters to the4-inch for long throws. See page 11.1600-FOOT FILM CAPACITY. Permits a fullhour's show without a stop. Smaller reels, of course,may also be used.Variable resistance unit and il-luminated voltmeter are stand-ard equipment on Filmo 130.They assure maximum screenillumination even when the linevoltage is low, and protect thelamp from life-shortening over-load when the voltage is highLOW CENTER OF GRAVITY.a large capacity projector.Very desirable inVARIABLE SPEED. Electrical governor permits ad-justment of operating speed from 16 to 24 framesper second.TWO-WAY TILT. Turning a knob at the base fronttilts the projector upward; a knob at the rear ele-vates the rear for a downward tilt.TAKE-UP BY SEPARATE MOTOR.

The film take-up spindle is driven by its own independent motor.Take-up tension is correctly regulated for reel size,for alternating or direct current, and for line volt-age variations by a rheostat with clearly markedsetting points.FAST POWER REWIND. The take-up motor pro-vides the power for rapid, automatic film rewinding.Fast B & H 2-inch F 1.65 projec-tion lens, instantly interchange-able with lenses of eight longerand shorter focal lengths forshorter and longer throwsThis second motor drives thetake-up spindle for projectionand for swift power rewindingLamp and projector motor are not operated duringrewinding.PILOT LIGHT. Illuminates (1) the sprockets andfilm channel, for threading in a darkened room, and(2) the voltmeter dial.INTERLOCKING CONTROLS.

Assure correct op-eration, preventing the damage which might becaused if incorrect manipulation were possible.SNUBBER. Cushions the film take-up tension, pre-venting sudden jerks on the film if it is left slackwhen threaded onto the take-up reel.ADEQUATE COOLING. A twin fan, driven by apowerful motor, passes a great volume of coolingair over the lamp. This, with the heat dispersaleffected by the finned lamphouse, keeps the lampat the proper temperature for safe, economicaloperation.FILM CONDITIONING. After passing the aper-ture, the film travels through a film conditioningchannel where it is cooled and humidified by a blastof air which has been passed over humidifying pads.RADIO INTERFERENCE ELIMINATOR. Neutra-lizes magnetic radiations, generated by the motors,which might be picked up by your radio speaker.FINISH.

Dark silver grey crinkle-baked enamel.Fittings are in black and in polished nickel plate.CARRYING CASE. Durable and attractive. Cov-ered in black fabric leather. Accommodates pro-jector, two 1600-foot reels, two 400-foot reels, andextra lenses and lamps.PRICES Code p HceFilmo 16 mm. Auditorium Pro-jector, Model 130, complete withB&H 2-inch F 1.65 lens, 1000-wattlamp, one 1600-foot and one 400-foottake-up reel, and 10-foot rubber-cov-ered current supply cord, not includ-ing carrying case Fthwa $385.00Carrying Case for Filmo Model130 Projector Frsmx 27.50Kodacolor.

Complete extra equip-ment for Kodacolor projection Ledua 25.00Double Shuttle Tooth may be had if desired in-stead of the standard single shuttle tooth mechanism.No change in price.5-This switch cannot be movedfrom 'run' to 'rewind' or viceversa while the current supplyswitch is on. This interlockingassures correct operationPassing in a forced draft overthis humidifying unit, cool airpicks up moisture and moveson to the film conditioningchannel pictured belowIn this channel (C) the film iscooled and humidified afterpassing the apertureBelow — The Filmo AuditoriumProjector case accommodatesfilms and extra lenses and lampsFILMO Model 12916 eii in. Projectors.M750-watt projectors of highest quality, at moderate pricesODELS 129 are new Filmo Projec-tors which offer a number of decidednew advantages.