
Arhivare Cu Extensie Zip

1 Jan 2000admin
Arhivare Cu Extensie Zip Rating: 3,6/5 4423 votes

7-Zip este un program de arhivare gratuit, cu un nivel inalt de compresie a fisierelor. Este compatibil cu majoritatea computerelor si nu necesita nicio inregistrare sau plata. Permite compresarea si decompresarea unor fisiere de tip 7z, ZIP, GZip, RAR, ARJ, BZIP2 si TAR. Plusuri – este posibila cifrarea fisierelor Zip si 7Z.

(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PHP 7, PECL zip >= 1.0.0)

zip_entry_openOpen a directory entry for reading 2015 kawasaki er5 manual transmission.


zip_entry_open ( resource$zip , resource$zip_entry [, string$mode ] ) : bool

Opens a directory entry in a zip file for reading.



A valid resource handle returned by zip_open().


A directory entry returned by zip_read().


Any of the modes specified in the documentation of fopen().


Currently, mode is ignored and is always 'rb'. This is due to the fact that zip support in PHP is read only access.

Valorile întoarse

Întoarce valoarea TRUE în cazulsuccesului sau FALSE în cazul eșecului.


Unlike fopen() and other similar functions, the return value of zip_entry_open() only indicates the result of the operation and is not needed for reading or closing the directory entry.

A se vedea și

  • zip_entry_close() - Close a directory entry
  • zip_entry_read() - Read from an open directory entry
jrhodes at roket-productions dot com
11 years ago
'rb' is a valid mode, and means Read-Only Binary Mode. This mode is used for portability reasons (see fopen).
  • Funcții Zip

Archive and compressed file extension list File extensions used for archive formats and compressed file types.An archive file type is a collection of computer files that have been packaged together for backup, to transport them to some other location, so that more hard disk storage can be made available, or for some other purpose. An archive can include a simple list of files or files organized under the original directory or catalog structure (depends on how the particular compressing program supports archiving).File compression is a programming method in which large files are compressed using compression algorithm into smaller files, which are after supported by a specific compression software.This is a very useful method, if you want to email several files or folders which are large in size.

Arhivare Cu Extensie Zip Number

Daca ati dat click pe “Aduga intr-o arhiva.” o sa va apara o fereastra (ca cea de mai jos) din care puteti selecta parametrii arhivei: tipul arhivei, nivel de arhivare, criptare, protectie cu parola, chestii din astea, dupa setarea parametrilor click pe butonul “Bine” asteptati sa se termine arhivarea si cautati in acelasi director arhiva facuta. Incepand cu windows XP, aveti posibilitatea sa creati fisiere zip fara a utiliza un anumit software cum ar fi WinZip sau WinRar.Acest lucru este posibil si in Windows 7. Fisierele zip pe care le creati in windows 7 vor fi compatibile atat pe sistemul de operare Windows XP/Vista cat si pe Mac OS sau Linux. Iata cum creem un fisier.zip in windows 7. 7-zip este un program de arhivare fisiere cu rata inalta de compresie. Suporta arhivarea si dezarhivarea urmatoarelor formate: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 si T. Dezinfectare fisiere criptate CTB si cu extensie. Cu TrueCrypt puteti sa criptati fisiere. ZIP, ISO, JPG sau nici o extensie. Program de arhivare si dezarhivare fisiere comprimate.

Arhivare Cu Extensie Zip

You just need to compress the files in a particular folder and send it via email. To access those files, the recipient of the files will need to have the same software with which the files have been compressed.The most popular archive and compression utilities are WinZip , WinRAR , 7-zip , Windows Cabinet ( Microsoft) and many others.Result page: First page.